You can, do this...
There is HOPE for YOU!

It adds up, right?

As a woman working in the wellness industry, I was constantly wearing all of the hats of a business owner & entreprenuer, as well as how I was managing my expenses.On top of running my own business, I also take care of my family (which includes a special needs daughter), and try to maintain a social life. If you're anything like me, the stress of wearing so many different hats builds up.Being a good spouse, a healthy parent, and role model for clients can be tough. Even if we feel like we are managing, stress builds up in the body and can cause so many issues.In my life these issues manifested by giving me excessive daily anxiety. Eventually the unchecked stress became so debilitating that I took a handful of prescriptions daily to manage the symptoms. My daily anxiety was brutal, and my immune system was at the breaking point.DON'T LET YOUR STRESS GO UNCHECKED!
Face your stress head on NOW so you can avoid catastrophic health issues - physical and mental.
These 3 things will help you turn your life around professionally and personally like it did me so many years ago!!


First, a little bit of humility goes a long way. You know you are a rock star, but you also know deep down that the constant stress and constant 'putting out fires' to manage the chaos isn't ideal. I admitted to myself that I wasn't performing at 100% capacity. I knew I could reach an even greater potential. Something different, better, and more was available!


Next, tapping into my inner strength, I grasped onto a glimmer of HOPE that a calmer, happier, less stressed way of BEING was possible. If you can't imagine it, you can't achieve it. Grasp onto your glimmer of hope that you can be more productive, breathe (deep instead of shallow), and be even more of a super hero than you ever thought possible!


Finally, I decided to take action. Inspired action is less of a commitment and more of a decision. You have to just make the decision. For me, I decided it was time for me to shine! I decided it was time to take inspired action to move forward with reclaiming my personal power, taking control back of my life. To live with peace, joy, focus and productivity!


Click [play] to hear my story, see what's included, and discover the real reason I created this course.

What's Included:

I've taken the best of what I learned and condensed it into a short 3 module course for you, with simple direct explanations.

  • Understand how your nervous system works so you can tame your stress and balance your nerves. You are in control.

  • Learn tangible techniques to get calm, reclaim your power, get centered, release anger, and reduce stress.

  • Nutritional explanations of the foods benefit our gut why this affects mood.

  • Tame the internal chatter in your brain and release long held beliefs that no longer serve you.

  • Once one calms the mind and purges negative emotions, they get new clarity and perspective in order to freshly approach persistent challenges.

  • Learn tangible concrete, easy techniques to kick stress to the curb.

  • When we slow down we are able to better prioritize, this helps us get more done. Once we learn to do this on a regular basis, we can catapult productivity in astounding ways.

  • Learn the science behind our breathing techniques, meditation, and other stress busting tools to keep you focused and productive.

  • Included is a short list of things to eat to improve your mood, reduce stress and increase concentration.

  • Meditation has been shown to create new neurons which can literally make us smarter. Learn these quick, effective, and efficient strategies, even if you've tried similar things before that you didn't like.

Don't Miss Out!

This is a course for you if you're a busy woman working in the wellness industry. You may be worried about where you're going to get your next client, preoccupied with taking care of your clients, your partner, your children. Being so busy makes it easy to sometimes forget yourself. If you're the one wearing multiple hats at home, as a spouse, as a parent, and as a professional, you're going to want to spend some time in this course.Stress is something that builds over time, wreaking havoc on our body and brain. This course is designed to reduce your stress levels through well explained tips and easy tools which only take a few minutes to use.Reset the mind, increase energy, gain more focus and boost productivity!Even if you think you don't have the time to go through another course, these are short easy to follow lessons, with tools you can use immediately.Even if you think you shouldn't spend money on another program, you know that allowing stress to build up is detrimental, and it only gets worse the longer it happens. What will it cost to keep ignoring yourself and your needs? What could happen to your health or your business? How would letting this continue affect the quality time with your family?After going through this workshop, you'll have easy exercises you can do in the morning (even before getting out of bed) to get up without anxiety, giving you exact tools to use as obstacles come up through the day. This can help you prevent overwhelm, allowing for peaceful evenings and weekends. A relaxed mental state where you don't need to indulge in alcohol, or drugs to escape. A life with natural energy and a positive outlook left over in the evening, no matter how difficult the day was. Imagine how that could increase your quality time you spend with loved ones.

Invest today for just $249
Limited Time Offer

Not only will you get instant access to the full 3 module course...You'll also receive:

  • A digital copy of the international selling book: Mind Your Gut: Power Up Your Immune System, Stress Resilience & Mental Wellness

  • As well as a complimentary 1-1 coaching session with Author, Speaker, and Coach, Kelly Haugh

*This is a limited time special offer!!


“I hate meditation, (or I did). Finally someone who explained it to me as an analytical business owner. I am grateful for these simple techniques to get me to stop and care for myself for 5 minutes at a time. I am thinking more clearly and feel happier! Thank you Kelly Haugh!"

Jullen - Speaking coach for executive trainers

“Loved the meditation. It's not too woo woo. It all makes sense now. For me I use an affirmation that helps me to slow down the brain. I'm not advanced or anything, but at least I've started on this path and it's working great for me. I feel calmer, happier, and my employees have even commented on how much calmer, and nicer I am!

David A - Business printing services

“Who would have thought? I mean we say we are stressed out, but to stop and look at the stress. To stop for 5-20 minutes a day and actually address it and do something about it... wow. I love the breathing and other sound techniques to use throughout the day! I'm so grateful how this course has helped me get calmer, more focused, and like Kelly promised more productive. Ahh-mazing”

Marline K - Pet sitting and grooming services in rural Colorado.

Thank you!

Thank you for checking out my stress & anxiety program! With years of experience and training under my belt I am thrilled to share with you what worked for me and has worked for countless clients!
There is HOPE for you no matter how you are feeling right now!